The 2019 Fringe programme
The 2019 fringe programme will comprise two or three sessions running in tandem with the main programme.
Tuesday 12 November 2019
(15.30 - 16.45)
Dr Neale Kinnear
Head of Behavioural Science, TRL
Presentation: A simulator study of driver distraction resulting from the use of music applications
Tony Crook
Lancashire Road Safety Partnership
Presentation: Road Safety Partnerships - a journey towards excellence
Wednesday 13 November 2019
(09.00 - 11.00)
![Kevin Wilcox New](
Gerli Grünberg
Prevention Department, Estonian Road Administration
Presentation: EST - Everyone, Safe, Together!
Lucy Marstrand-Taussig
Healthy Streets Adviser, Project Centre in London
Presentation: Measuring road danger: who poses most risk?