Kevin Wilcox, Road Safety Officer, Staffordshire County Council

Kevin Wilcox NewKevin Wilcox is road safety officer at Staffordshire County Council and the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership. While Kevin has 15 years’ experience covering most areas of casualty reduction, it is in the field of motorcycle safety that he is best known.

In addition to his road safety work, Kevin is also known for the many biker-friendly initiatives he has organised over many years, including the Staffordshire Bike Show.

He is also proud to be a Guinness World Record Holder, having successfully organised 'The Largest Number of Triumph Motorcycles in a Parade’ on behalf of Staffordshire Triumph.

Since taking up his post in 2004, Kevin has introduced many successful motorcycle-related initiatives. He project managed a £850k DfT motorcycle project in 2009-2011 and was honoured to receive the Prince Michael Award for International Road Safety in 2010 on behalf of Staffordshire County Council for its Motorcycle Road Safety Strategy.

In recent years Kevin has focused more on young rider safety, introducing many new schemes targeting young rider casualty reduction. In an area which is largely uncovered by road safety professionals, Kevin is keen to promote engagement and work with others to tackle what is an ever-growing issue.

Presentation: Young Riders – Forgotten or Ignored?
The default for most road safety professionals is to focus on young drivers aged 16-25 years, with little thought given to young riders. Even those organisations and county partnerships who give some thought to motorcycling will generally provide subsidised training for older bikers.

This presentation will delve into the analysis, both locally and nationally, to suggest that most are focusing too much on the wrong target audience and should be concentrating on young rider casualties.

It will ask the question: Is this because they are just forgotten or are we ignoring them at our peril; most do either, but could we change your mind?