TMP Solutions
We pride ourselves on leading the way, through innovation in the highways industry. From introducing the original retroreflective self-righting bollard, to launching the first ever solar-powered bollard, we are always at the cutting edge, and are dedicated to making our roads safer and easier to navigate.
We are accredited to ISO 9001:2015, members of the Highway Electrical Association and take a leading role in the Association for Road Traffic Safety and Management.
Bicycle and motorcycle safety is our focus for 2018 and beyond with two key products:
The Evo-Chev - True Innovation - Passively Safe and Motorcycle Friendly
The Evo-Chev is the ultimate chevron system - Passively Safe, Highly Visible, Robust, Cost Effective and almost Maintenance Free. The Evo-Chev comes in a wide variety of heights and widths, with the option of a high visibility yellow border for greater conspicuously.
More info at:
Cycle delineators and route marking bollards
We offer a full range of passive lane separators and delineators designed for keeping a safe distance between cyclists and motor vehicles.
More info at
0208 744 8201