Automated vehicles: interaction with onboard users, and other road users

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Automated vehicles (AVs) have promised to enhance traffic safety by eliminating human errors. However, for AVs to be successfully deployed in the market, it is important to understand the interaction between the onboard users and the AVs and the interaction between other road users and AVs. In this workshop, we will discuss the state-of-the-art, our research, key challenges, and the next steps in the field.

First you will hear from Rafael Goncalves on how drivers' eye gazes and attention affect their takeover performances during automation while doing a non-driving-related task. To enhance safety, improve traffic flow, and increase user acceptance and trust in AVs, pedestrians and other road users need to understand the AVs' intentions, communication, and behaviour.

Yue Yang will discuss her involvement in this research field.

Finally, Dr Ibrahim Ozturk will discuss more immediate issues we are facing, how lighting and distraction affect hazard perception and interaction with pedestrians, and what we can learn from his research for the implication of AV research.

Yue Yang, University of Leeds

Yue Yang is a PhD student and Marie Curie early-stage researcher from the EU Horizon 2020 project SHAPE-IT at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. She has a background in automation and control science (B.Eng, 2017) and human-computer interaction and design (M.Sc, 2020).

Yue’s research has been currently focused on interactions between automated vehicles and vulnerable road users, specifically, how pedestrians adapt their behaviour and learn to interact with automated vehicle with the increased exposure.

She has been actively involved in pedestrian simulator experiments and distributed simulations connecting drivers and pedestrians in a real-time interaction, from several EU funded projects as a part of the HF&S team. Currently, she is working on exploring pedestrians’ head and gaze behaviour patterns interacting with AVs in urban scenarios.

Dr İbrahim Öztürk, University of Leeds

Dr İbrahim Öztürk is a traffic and transportation psychologist and currently a research fellow at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. He obtained his BSc (Hons) in Psychology in 2015 and MSc and PhD degrees in Traffic and Transportation Psychology from the Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2017 and 2021, respectively.

He is interested in human factors in driving, especially individual differences when investigating the interaction between road users and vehicle technologies and their antecedents including distracted driving and culture at the organisational and national levels.

He has been involved in various national or international projects including EU funded Hi-Drive project. He is currently working on the EPSRC funded HAROLD (Hazards, Road Lighting and Driving) project focusing on the role of distraction and lighting of the driving environment on hazard detection including pedestrians.

Rafael Cirino Gonçalves, University of Leeds

Rafael Cirino Gonçalves is PHD Student and Research Fellow on the University of Leeds' Institute for Transport Studies. His research has been currently focused on drivers’ gaze behaviour and how it affects drivers’ state/performance in vehicle automation.

Rafael has a bachelor in Interaction Design and Ergonomics (2015), and a masters degree in human factors in design (2017).

Rafael has experience in driving simulator experiments, participating in several EU funded projects (AdaptiVe, L3Pilot, Hi-Drive), as part of the University of Leeds team. Currently, he is working with industry and academic partners on the prediction of the driver state and takeover readiness assessment, based on behavioural indicators.