The role of insurance in the Safe System

The Safe System is widely accepted as the philosophy by which road safety can be improved in the UK and worldwide. The approach requires a change in mindset whereby responsibility is shared among all actors in the system, removing sole focus on requiring the driver to manage their behaviour.

By law, every vehicle operating on UK roads should have some level of insurance cover. This creates a financial relationship between vehicle owners and an insurance company. Insurance companies also collect significant relevant data. For example, when a collision happens, even where the police are not notified, an insurance company is likely to be informed.

Despite significant coverage and influence, the role of insurance in the Safe System has received little attention and is undefined. This talk will explore the role for insurance and particularly how the advent of “insuretech” is advancing the use of real-time data that moves insurance from solely offering protection in case of loss, to prevention and protection – bringing the opportunity to support the Safe System philosophy.


Dr Neale Kinnear, Head of Behavioural Science, Humn

Dr Neale Kinnear is a Chartered Psychologist in the study of human behaviour and transport and Head of Behavioural Science at Humn, a real-time risk insurance platform.

Neale works across road safety applying behavioural science to develop evidence-based solutions to manage risk on the road.

Neale has developed and published models of driver behaviour, risk appraisal and decision making, and guidance on understanding behavioural adaptation. Neale sits on the Vehicle User Education, Training, and Licensing Committee and Young Driver Subcommittee at TRB.

He also sits on the Expert Panel for Road Safety Education Australasia.