Operation Cosset

Operation Cosset is Devon and Cornwall Police’s response to a large amount of fatal RTCs involving motorcycles in 2022. While not all collisions were the fault of the rider, there was a clear indication of lack of training and ability, and risk taking.

As part of Operation Cosset, drones are being deployed to observe a road user for up to 7-8k, which shows how a driver or rider behaves without the police in sight, and as such so generally gives a true reflection. Officers on the ground then stop the motorist or biker and can either show the driver the recorded offence, or engage around ability and further education opportunities.

One of the areas concentrated on is bikers overtaking through junctions which is a cause of some serious injury collisions.

MPC Ian Harvey, Devon and Cornwall Police

Ian Harvey is a motorcycle casualty reduction officer and police motorcycle instructor for Devon and Cornwall Police.

Ian has spent 26 years with the force, 21 years on roads policing.

His current role involves working with the motorcycling community to reduce fatal and serious injury collisions.