Question Time

Based on the TV show of the same name, this session invitees attendees to submit questions to an invited panel of experts.


Edward Seaman, Editor, Road Safety News


Nicola Foster, vice chair, Road Safety GB & chair, Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP)

As the chair of the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP), Nicola is leading the charge for Vision Zero and the safe system approach in Essex (which includes Southend and Thurrock).

Her role involves inviting partners to ‘do more’ and review traditional processes and culture whilst, as the Group Manager for road safety, she is in the position of having to respond to those challenges on behalf of Essex Highways.

Nicola started her highways training 33 year ago as a technician. She is a Fellow of the IHE and holds a Masters in Road Safety Engineering.

Nicola is also the vice chair of Road Safety GB.

Rebecca MorrisRebecca Morris, Head of Communications, RoadPeace

A road safety marketing and PR specialist with almost 20 years' experience, Rebecca is passionate about influencing public behaviour in order to reduce road deaths and injuries, and contributing to the UK's efforts to achieve Vision Zero.

During her career, she has worked with police forces and highway authorities across the UK and worldwide.

She began her road safety marketing career at Derbyshire Safety Camera Partnership, before moving to not-for-profit company, Road Safety Support, where she was Media and Marketing Manager for 16 years.

In January 2023, she was appointed Head of Communications at RoadPeace, the national charity for road crash victims, where she helps to strengthen victims' voices and raise awareness around road harm.

In 2023, she also formed her own company - Vision Zero Communications - helping companies, local authorities and other organisations to run road safety PR and marketing campaigns.

Elizabeth BoxDr Elizabeth Box, Research Director, RAC Foundation

Dr Elizabeth Box is an accomplished transport researcher and commissioner with over two decades of experience.

She has an excellent track record in influencing and contributing to road safety policy outcomes at the national level.

Elizabeth has a doctorate in Transport Psychology and is experienced in developing, delivering and evaluating road safety interventions.

Dr Anna Vadeby, Senior Researcher in traffic safety at VTI (The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute)

Dr Anna Vadeby is a senior researcher in traffic safety at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI, and an associate professor at Chalmers University of Technology. She has a PhD in Mathematical Statistics and her main area of competence is within traffic safety evaluations.

Anna has been responsible for several national evaluations of safety measures such as new speed limits, speed cameras, 2+1 roads and milled rumble strips and has extensive experience in the area of safe system, vision zero and speed management.

Anna is VTI’s representative in the IRTAD-group (International Road Traffic and Accident Database) and the representative for Sweden for the ETSC (European Transport Safety Council) PIN panel group (Road Safety Performance Index group). She has also been involved in several ITF working groups about Safe System implementation. Since 2017, she is the chair of the Road Safety on Five Continents (RS5C) conference, with main responsibility for the scientific work being the chair of the Scientific Committee for the conference.

Stuart Lovatt, Chair, TyreSafe

Stuart Lovatt’s previous role as Strategic Road Safety Lead at National Highways saw him gain extensive experience in road safety strategy and delivery at the highest level. He represented National Highways and supported the Department for Transport at a range of national strategic road safety Boards and Committees, including the National Road User Safety Committee for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and the Parliamentary Council for Transport Safety Behavioural Advisory Group (PACTS). Stuart is a long-standing judge for HRH Prince Michael of Kent’s International Road Safety Awards, a role he has fulfilled for over 20 years.

In September 2022 Stuart was appointed Chair of TyreSafe, the leading road safety charity dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of correct tyre maintenance to reduce the risk of death and injury on UK’s roads. His appointment supports TyreSafe’s ambition to strengthen its presence in the road safety community and supporting the safe system approach.