Practical solutions to the real time achievement of ‘Zero’ targets

Since the introduction of road side drug driver screening, arrests for drug driving have gone from a paltry double figures, up to some 60-70,000. This is in light of doing just a third of the number of roadside tests compared with alcohol.

However, the system loses half of these arrests! 2022 figures show 25,000 licences removed from drivers as a result of drug driving. This phenomenal loss is the proverbial elephant in the room. We are almost promoting the opposite to any deterrent with a more than 50/50 chance of ‘getting away with it.’ We can solve this situation immediately so long as government and civil servants start listening. How will Road Safety GB help?

Ean Lewin, Managing Director, D.tec International

Ean Lewin has been a road safety campaigner since 1996, pushing government for the creation of a Zero Tolerance law for illegal drugs while driving. Implemented at the roadside in 2015, the UK will be in its 10th year of roadside drug driver testing and seeing #MoreDrugsThanDrink at the roadside.

Ean also works with 400 commercial organisations to make their presence on the road safer.