Session two: Publicity & Social Marketing

Day one: Tuesday 15 November 2016 (15.30 – 17.00)

More speakers and presentations will be added as they are confirmed.

Paul_HewsonTelling stories without spinning yarns: how to do data analysis in the 21st Century

Paul Hewson, Associate Professor in Statistics, Plymouth University.


urlRoad safety interventions aimed at young novice drivers – what is the missing ingredient?

Dr Mark Sullman, Senior Lecturer in the Driving Research Group at Cranfield University.


Meaningful messaging, evaluation and behaviour change techniques

Paula Wellings, Fire & Road Safety Officer, Cornwall Council.


Realsafe presentation homeEmpowering the customer: engaging customers to mould user centric campaigns

Andrew Richardson, Co-founder & Chief Commercial Officer, Realsafe Technologies. More…

Please email for presentation (very large file)

Session chair

Maria-BoonMaria Boon

Head of Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership
