From a standing start in 2010, insurethebox has become the UK leaders in black box insurance. insurethebox has sold more than 500,000 policies and amassed in excess of 2.6 billion miles of customer driving data, affording great informational insight in order to best meet customer needs. insurethebox believes in rewarding positive driving behaviour to engender long-term good driving habits and help save lives.
As the company’s dedicated road safety manager, Simon Rewell works with local authorities and emergency services to develop and deliver a high standard of road safety education in schools and colleges in the UK and Europe. He also represents insurethebox as an active member of the Parliamentary Advisory Committee on Transport Safety (PACTS) and associated forums.
Presentation: New drivers – the learning curve
Using telematics data obtained from policyholders, insurethebox is able to examine driving behaviours in detail. This presentation will discuss the behaviours displayed in the first three months after someone has passed their driving test, and what this means for their long terms driving habits. The presentation will raise questions, with the audience invited to consider and suggest possible solutions.
The key topics covered in the presentation are:
- What are the core elements of early behaviours?
- What do these indicate for long terms driving habits?
- Does gender influence these behaviours?
- How can this data be used to inform interventions developed by road safety practitioners to positively influence young driver behaviour, and ultimately reduce crashes and casualties?