Good Egg Safety is an award winning family safety brand with one key aim – to ‘save lives through our brands’
All our Good Egg products and initiatives are tried and tested and all contribute to our aim of saving lives on the roads. The Good Egg Series provides vital information to families and their children of all age groups; helping them make informed and safer choices.
The brand has now evolved into a community interest company – with ambitious plans for life saving work across the UK in 2017 working with valued partners who share our aims and values.
In 2001, the first Good Egg Guide was hatched, raising awareness of child car seat safety. In 2011 several more Good Egg Guides were developed in partnership with experts across the UK on behalf of new drivers, parents of new drivers, older drivers, cyclists, and recently a brand NEW guide for riders of motorcycles; supported by websites, social media and blogs.
This year, we introduced new digital platforms, and can now provide access on a licence basis so our road safety partners can significantly increase the reach and exposure of these key safety publications even more cost effectively.
Over 50 Local Authorities will be offering these to their residents soon with increasing interest from many more.
Good Egg Safety also offers car seat checking events and training workshops. A flagship interactive young driver’s programme has been delivered to thousands of young people in schools and colleges across the UK.
We will be showcasing all of our products at the exhibition this year and will be presenting our latest findings on child seat safety during the fringe programme.
Come and visit us … we really look forward to seeing you.
Good Egg Safety
0333 305 5111