2018 Agenda - Topical Topics
A series of quick fire presentations covering a wide range of topics.
Martin Carnell & Nick Cowling
Group Manager, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service & Programme Director, Office for Data Analytics and Service Manager for Road Safety and Transport Data, Somerset County Council
Presentation: Data Analytics SouthWest - supporting road safety planning and delivery
This presentation was delivered solely by Nick Cowling.
Harry Seaton
Influencer Manager, Fluential
Presentation: Influencers - and how they can help deliver road safety messages to young people
Dr Helen Wells
Senior Lecturer in Criminology, University of Keele
Presentation: The pros and cons of the ‘techno-fix
Nicola Wass
CEO of So-Mo-Co Ltd
Presentation: Raising awareness of the problem won’t solve it - so here’s a nudge in the right direction
Nick Skelton & Handan Wieshmann
Assistant Director, Communities, East Sussex County Council & Senior Advisor at Behavioural Insights Team
Presentation: Using the evidence - applying behavioural insights to road safety
Professor Sally Kyd & Dr Steven Cammiss
University of Leicester
Presentation: Promoting safety for vulnerable road users: assessing the investigation and enforcement of endangerment offences
PC Tom Fletcher, Briony Williams & Kate Bramford
West Mercia Police and University of Worcester.
Presentation: A multiagency research project on drug driving: using the research process to increase knowledge and change attitudes
James Parker
Executive Officer, London Road Safety Council
Presentation: Future Provision of Road Safety ETP in London