Kagan Cooperative Learning Techniques


As part of Warwickshire’s new and innovative approach to road safety education, we have introduced Kagan cooperative learning techniques into our primary school programme. We believe that the Kagan approach is the ideal tool for delivering effective road safety in the classroom – especially when time is of a premium and children need to be engaged from the moment we walk through the door. 

Kagan creates a learning environment where all children are given opportunities to work together, solve problems creatively, listen attentively and make responsible decisions - ensuring focused road safety messages are delivered in a way that captivates and engages every child. 

Thorough evaluation carried out during the 2017/18 academic year, and extensive feedback from teachers, reveals that children enjoy the process of cooperative learning and retain key knowledge and skills from the sessions. Kagan has helped transform the organisation, content and delivery of the programme and created fully inclusive and interactive classroom sessions. 

Kate Castle, Road Safety Officer, Warwickshire County Council
Kate Castle trained as a teacher and has many years’ experience of working with children across the primary spectrum. Although fairly new to the field of road safety, her strengths and skills along with her passion, drive and commitment to teaching and learning has helped transform the way road safety education is delivered across primary schools in Warwickshire, successfully developing and executing carefully designed interventions. 

Having two young children herself, Kate’s enthusiasm for the subject means she delivers memorable high quality, high-energy classroom sessions in a creative and dynamic way that both pupils and staff remember.