Jami Blythe has been a police officer with Northumbria Police for 19 years and a motor patrols officer for 13. After specialising in family liaison in complex road death cases, she returned to study a degree at the University of Sunderland. After graduating with honours, Jami travelled to New York and Munich to present research on the use of storytelling in police education.
She is now in her third year of a professional doctorate (DProf) and works as the lead education officer with Northumbria Police’s Operation Dragoon. Her chosen area of research is the role of empathy through storytelling in young driver road safety education.
Presentation: The role of empathy through storytelling in young driver road safety education
This presentation will outline a research study which explores the role and value of empathy through storytelling in students’ learning, as well as their preferential engagement with the physical presence of speakers on the stage (as opposed to the films projected) and the use of real stories over non-fiction.