Evaluation of NDORS courses

The National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) is operated by the not-for-profit company UKROEd on behalf of the police service.

NDORS comprises a range of behaviour change courses offered to offenders (at the discretion of the Chief Officer of Police) instead of a prosecution. UKROEd commissioned TRL to evaluate the effectiveness of several of these courses, in terms of whether they improve knowledge and change the attitudes and behaviours of course attendees.

This presentation will cover the research questions, method and findings of the evaluations.

Jill Weekley, Principal Evaluation Consultant, TRL

Jill WeekleyJill Weekley is a Principal Evaluation Consultant at TRL with 20 years’ experience working in transport. During her time at TRL she has led projects in a range of areas, most recently focusing on driver behaviour and the evaluation of behaviour change interventions in different contexts, such as driver training and licensing, new technologies and interactions with other road users and road infrastructure - with the aim of improved road safety. 

She has significant experience in the management and delivery of large-scale impact evaluations, leading both Driver2020 – a nationwide randomised controlled trial involving 28,000 young and novice drivers – and several evaluations of the national behaviour change courses for driving offences.