Ensuring nationwide consistency in police disposal options for journeycam videos submitted by horse riders

This presentation will introduce a new learning resource that is being developed– aimed at decision makers within police criminal justice departments - that sets out what is possible within the law as well as recommended disposal protocols.

The resource will be an innovative and engaging learning tool, developed to ensure a fit-for-purpose resource and consistent system is available to assist forces across the UK - launching early in 2025.


Alan Hiscox, BHS

Alan Hiscox is the strategic lead for the implementation and management of the BHS’s charitable objectives regarding safety for horse riders.

He is also responsible for assessing current and potential opportunities to develop all aspects of safety within the equestrian sector.

Alan served 26 years in the Metropolitan Police Mounted Branch and 14 years as chief equitation officer at the Met Police’s Training School.

Josie Jordan, Project Manager, Project EDWARD

Josie Jordan is an equestrian road user with a corporate communications background. She is project lead, working with Project EDWARD, the British Horse Society and The Road Safety Trust in creating resources to aid those responsible for reviewing equestrian journey cam within police forces.

Drawing from a wide range of data analysis of equestrian and road safety research (In particular Dr Helen Wells of Keele University) as well as holding interviews with the police, content is being created that will help with the understanding and empathy of what it’s like to be on a horse on the road as well as ensuring consistency in the reviewing of equestrian journey cam footage.

Josie has first-hand experience of what it’s like to be hit by a vehicle and to have both horse and rider fall on the road, as well as many close passes.