More and safer cycling: is Great Britain on the right track?

Great Britain and London have had a good story to tell on road safety in general going back some decades, and also on cycle safety. 

GB fatalities per km have improved over decades at the same time as Dutch cycle safety, supposedly with gold standard infrastructure, has been increasing. Now the GB fatality rate is lower than the Dutch. 

Interestingly, London, which accounts for a large proportion of GB cycling, is seeing higher than ever casualty figures despite its adoption of Vision Zero. This presentation will share evidence suggesting all is not well with Vision Zero.

Vincent Stops, Retired Streets Policy Officer

Vincent StopsVincent Stops spent 20 years as the Streets Policy Officer at London TravelWatch, London’s statutory transport user watchdog. In that time he worked alongside TfL and represented London’s transport users. 

He also authored two reports on cycling in London. During that time he was sceptical of the new cycle activism. He was also a councillor and sometime lead member of Hackney Council, London’s most successful cycling borough. 

Vincent now volunteers with the National Federation of the Blind UK, working on their active travel and access programme.