Vision Zero – are we heading in the right direction?

This presentation will examine the basic concept of Vision Zero and explore challenges and opportunities in the move to reach the 2030 targets in Sweden, together with a brief look at some of the Vision Zero developments across Europe.

Dr Anna Vadeby, Senior Researcher in traffic safety at VTI (The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute)

Dr Anna Vadeby is a senior researcher in traffic safety at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI, and an associate professor at Chalmers University of Technology. She has a PhD in Mathematical Statistics and her main area of competence is within traffic safety evaluations.

Anna has been responsible for several national evaluations of safety measures such as new speed limits, speed cameras, 2+1 roads and milled rumble strips and has extensive experience in the area of safe system, vision zero and speed management.

Anna is VTI’s representative in the IRTAD-group (International Road Traffic and Accident Database) and the representative for Sweden for the ETSC (European Transport Safety Council) PIN panel group (Road Safety Performance Index group). She has also been involved in several ITF working groups about Safe System implementation. Since 2017, she is the chair of the Road Safety on Five Continents (RS5C) conference, with main responsibility for the scientific work being the chair of the Scientific Committee for the conference.