National Highways

National Highways

National Highways is the government company which plans, designs, builds, operates and maintains England’s motorways and major A roads, known as the strategic road network (SRN). We manage and improve the strategic road network to make journeys safer, smoother and more reliable.

Safety is National Highways’ top priority. We believe that everyone who travels or works on our roads should get home safe and well. Billions of miles are travelled on the SRN each year, with the vast majority of these safe and reliable journeys.

Our roads are some of the safest in the world, but we know there is more we can do too. Every death or serious injury on our roads is a tragedy and we are committed to improve safety wherever we can.

National Highways is a strong advocate of the Safe System approach, and we continue to develop our approach to the use of the System in a real-world context. Inherent in the Safe System is a long-term vision that deaths and injuries arising from the normal use of the highway are preventable, not inevitable. To implement and maintain a Safe System approach we will continue to commit to the strong leadership that is required to put safety first and provide the motivation and support needed to drive change.

Our approach is based on a platform of shared responsibility with our partners, stakeholders, and road users – within which we acknowledge our various roles of deliverer, motivator, enabler, and supporter. Working together we can achieve our long-term ambition of a road network free from harm.

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