Safe System Assessments (SSA)
SSA is a tool that has been developed to assess the extent to which a proposed infrastructure project aligns with Safe System principles and the objective to eliminate fatal and serious injuries. The process allows project options to be compared with a base case (i.e. existing conditions) and with each other.
This presentation will describe what is a safe system assessment is (a formal safety examination of a roading project, programme or initiative); followed by why they are important (they assess how existing or future roads and roadsides comply with Safe System principles); and then how they are done (methodology). It will finish with how New Zealand has integrated them into the road safety audit process (which is something the UK could consider).
Steve James, Principal Safety Engineer, Urban Connection Ltd, New Zealand
Steve James is a Principal Safety Engineer at Urban Connection Ltd in New Zealand. He was previously with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
He has 35 years’ experience, providing advice to clients on all aspects of road safety and traffic engineering. He is passionate about saving people’s lives, and likes to make a difference in them.