Soundbites and images from the 2017 National Road Safety Conference, which took place in Manchester on 14-15 November.
The 2017 National Conference, Road Safety GB’s flagship event, was held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Manchester Airport and was co-sponsored by Colas, Jenoptik Traffic Solutions UK and Insure The Box.
The main conference agenda comprised six sessions focussing on: the ‘big picture’ (national stakeholders plans and priorities); the use of behavioural change techniques (BCTs); road safety and public health; driverless cars; Question Time; and topical topics.
Catch up
Day one (14 Nov)
- The Big Picture (14 Nov – 13.00-14.50)
- Public health, sustainability, active travel & road safety casualty reduction (14 Nov -15.20-17.00)
Day two (15 Nov)
- The Big Debate: Will ‘driverless cars’ be good or bad for road safety? (15 Nov – 09.00-09.45)
- Behavioural Change Techniques (BCTs) in road safety interventions (15 Nov – 09.45-11.15)
- Question Time (15 Nov – 11.45-13.00)
- Topical Topics (15 Nov -14.00-16.00)