Topical topics
A 'catch all' session comprising subjects of interest to road safety practitioners that are not covered in the other conference sessions.
- Day two (Thursday 10 Nov): 10:15 - 11:30
Confirmed speakers:

Supporting older drivers through ADI training
Ian Edwards, New View Consultants

A Safe Journey to a Brighter Destination
Karen Cole, Director of Safety and Training, MCIA

46 school streets in 18 months: lessons learnt in Lewisham
Liz Brooker, Road Safety and Sustainable Transport Manager, Lewisham Council

Examining older drivers’ risk - a telematics review of risk behaviours linked to fitness to drive testing and mild cognitive impairment
Sam Chapman, Chief Innovation Officer, Co-Founder and Director, The Floow

Obtaining grants for road safety initiatives
Sonya Hurt, CEO and Louise Palomino, Grants & impact Director, Road Safety Trust (both)