Round-up session

Day two: Wednesday 16 September 2016 (13.15 – 14.45)

THINK! Ahead

Jo Parry, Head of Marketing, Department for Transport


Project EDWARD – a case study

James Luckhurst, Media Adviser for TISPOL


foto eddy zw

Active mobility – walking and cycling certificates in Flanders: a successful step in the lifelong learning curve

Eddy Klynen, Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (FFT)



New drivers – the learning curve

Simon Rewell, Road Safety Manager, Insure the Box


George NRSC thumb‘Safety in Numbers’

Dr George Ursachi Ph.D, Marketing Analyst, Road Safety Analysis


Ian-honorNorth Yorkshire Walk-Wise Project

Honor Byford, North Yorkshire County Council and Ian Edwards, eDriving Solutions


Session chair

Nick-CowlingNick Cowling, Service Manager for Transporting Programmes and Road Safety, Somerset County Council

Nick Cowling has 26 years’ experience working in the field of road safety, having started out as a road safety engineer in the North–East. Nick has a Masters in Transport Engineering and Operations, but is a geographer rather than an engineer. More..