2022 Conference

The themes and topics to covered at the 2022 National Road Safety Conference are detailed below.
To see photos of the event visit the image galleries: Main Conference | Fringe & Exhibition
Main Conference Programme
Day one (Wednesday 9 November)
10.00 - 11.00
Delegate registration and exhibition
11.00 - 12.00
Opening keynote presentations
Three presentations by Road Safety GB, the DfT and the THINK! team.
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
12.00 - 13.00
Road safety research
This session will look at some of the current, recently published and ongoing road safety related research studies being undertaken by academics and others from across the UK.
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
13.00 - 14.00
Lunch and exhibition
14.00 - 14:45
Influencing road user behaviour
Two presentations showcasing interventions where behaviour change techniques have been deployed in order to positively influence road user behaviour.
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
14:45 - 15:45
What’s on the horizon?
Four presentations looking at emerging road safety issues likely to impact on road safety professionals going forward, including e-scooters, dash cams and the use of AI technology.
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
15:45 - 16:15
Refreshments and exhibition
16:15 - 17:15
Speed dating
A series of quick-fire presentations (5 mins) by road safety practitioners and others outlining schemes, interventions and concepts they have, or are currently, implementing.
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
17:30 (latest)
Day one concludes
Day two (Thursday 10 November)
08.00 - 09.00
Delegate registration (for day 2 delegates) and exhibition
09.00 - 10:15
The road to Vision Zero & the Safe System Approach
Many road safety teams across the UK are either working on, or have recently published, their strategies to eliminate road deaths and serious injuries within a given timescale using the Safe System approach. This session comprises four presentations from practitioners already using the Safe System approach, as well as the results of a recent comprehensive review of the 'state of readiness' of road safety partnerships across England. The speakers will provide tips, guidance and advice that will prove useful for others about to embark on the Vision Zero journey and adopt a Safe System approach.
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
10:15 - 11:30
Topical topics
A 'catch all' session comprising five presentations on subjects of interest to road safety practitioners that are not covered in the other sessions.
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
11.30 - 12.00
Refreshments and exhibition
12.00 - 13.00
Question Time
Based on the TV show of the same name, during this session attendees will be invited to put questions to a panel of experts.
Click here to view the panellists in the Question Time session
13.00 - 14.00
Lunch and exhibition
14.00 - 15:30 (latest)
The Workshop Programme
The final afternoon will comprise a series of optional workshops which delegates will be invited to pre-register to attend.
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
15.30pm (latest)
Conference concludes
The Fringe Programme
The fringe programme will run concurrently with the main agenda, and delegates are free to move between the two. The fringe room is smaller and fringe presentations typically attract an audience of between 20-50 delegates.
Fringe day one (Wednesday 9 November)
14.00 - 15:45
Fringe session one
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
Fringe day two (Thursday 10 November)
09.00 - 11.15
Fringe session two
Click here to view the speakers and presentations in this session
Expressions of interest from potential speakers
The conference committee still welcomes expressions of interest from speakers/presentations for the fringe programme only at this stage - the main conference programme is now complete.
Potential speakers are asked to provide:
• Title and brief overview/summary/abstract of the proposed presentation (single para will suffice)
• Brief speaker biog (again, single para will suffice)
The above information should be submitted to Nick Rawlings by email.