The final afternoon comprises a series of optional workshops which delegates are invited to pre-register to attend. Delegates should register for one workshop only as they run simultaneously. Scroll down the page to see the booking form.
- Day two (Thursday 10 Nov): 14.00 - 15:30pm (latest)
Confirmed workshops:

THINK & TAILOR like a Behavioural Scientist & you will TRANSFORM
Nicola Wass and Fenna Boerkamp, So-Mo
This workshop is fully subscribed - no further availability.

Automated vehicles: interaction with onboard users, and other road users
Yue Yang, Dr İbrahim Öztürk and Rafael Cirino Gonçalves, University of Leeds (all)
This workshop is fully subscribed - no further availability.

Thinking beyond the school gates - how Behavioural Science can help you understand the real barriers to active travel
Dr Holly Hope Smith & Lelde Krumina , So-Mo
This workshop is fully subscribed - no further availability.

A bespoke apprenticeship for road safety professionals
Kirsty Duffield & Thomas Townend, Eden Training Solutions

A non-teacher’s guide to planning and delivering a road safety lesson
Iain Watson, Senior Road Safety Officer, Suffolk County Council

Obtaining grants for road safety initiatives
Louise Palomino, Grants & Impact Director, and Tanya Qadir Dodgson, Grants Officer, Road Safety Trust (both)
This workshop is fully subscribed - no further availability.