The Fringe
The fringe programme runs concurrently with the main agenda, and delegates are free to move between the two. The fringe room is smaller and fringe presentations typically attract an audience of between 20-50 delegates.
Session one: Wednesday 9 Nov (14.00 - 15:45)
Confirmed speakers:

Intelligent Speed Assistance - Will it work for the drivers who need it most?
Ian Edwards, New View Consultants

Effect of speed on flow and enjoyment for driving
Dr Richard Stephens, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Keele University

The views of UK drivers on road safety issues: the IAM Safety Culture Index 2021
Rebecca Ashton, Head of Policy and Research, IAM RoadSmart

A non-teacher’s guide to planning and delivering a road safety lesson
Iain Watson, Senior Road Safety Officer, Suffolk County Council

Large scale telematics speed testbed supporting wide road safety stakeholder needs
Dr Suzy Charman (Road Safety Foundation) and Sam Chapman (The Floow)

SAFEPATH – Using problem solving techniques to model the complex highways system
Scott Stephenson, Principal Research Scientist, AECOM

Emerging motoring technologies and the challenges for Emergency Services and road users
Frances Senior, Behavioural Change Associate, Intelligent Transport Services, WSP
Session two: Thursday 10 Nov (09.00 - 11:15)
Confirmed speakers:

Motorcycling and The Future of Transport Policy
Craig Carey-Clinch, Executive Director, National Motorcyclists Council

Young Driver Course
Lorna Smith, Road Safety Team, Kent County Council

Unequal road outcomes and how they manifest among different demographics and communities – a deep dive into inequalities in London’s road casualties
Amy Pidwill, Road Safety Strategy Lead, Transport for London

Conceptualising the role of NDORS driver diversion courses in a contemporary road safety and roads policing landscape
Emily Brannen, PhD student, Keele University

National Young Rider Forum
Heidi Duffy, Facilitator, National Young Rider Forum

Post collision care – what victims really need
Matt Evans, Partner and Head of Manchester office, CFG Solicitors

Making the most of eCall data
Andy Graham, VESOS

Active Road Markings - a new concept for road safety
Pierre Trotobas, International Business Development Manager, Flowell by Colas

Influencing driver behaviour and road safety in a large, decentralised, time pressured organisation
Chris Floyd, Transport Safety & Compliance Lead, Evri